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tea room artinya

contoh kalimat "tea room"
  • Today, the Boathouse is used as a tea room.
    Saat ini kamar-kamar yang digunakan sebagai rumah teh.
  • Miss, do you need a pianist in your tea room?
    Nona, apakah kau membutuhkan pianis untuk kedai teh mu?
  • Do you remember... the man who barged into your tea room?
    Kau ingat pria yang menerobos masuk tempat tehmu?
  • This tea room is for ladies only.
    Kamar Teh ini khusus wanita.
  • There's the victorian tea room.
    Ada Kamar Teh Victoria.
  • Tea Room Kankyuan Tokyo Training Room|Mushakouji Senke Kankyuan
    Kankyuan Tokyo Training Room (3-13-13 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku)
  • June Solo exhibition at tea room of Shiroyama, Tateyama, Chiba
    April Solo exhibition at Hashiyama, Kurashiki, Okayama
  • Business Plan model to create a tea room
    Model rencana bisnis untuk menciptakan kedai teh
  • Resort tea room CAD complete construction drawing
    Resort tea room CAD gambar konstruksi lengkap
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3